
Guessing Game run on Website

This is a guessing game that is run on a website. The backend was coded in javascript. The submit button checks to see if the number entered in the textBox matches the correct number, the hint button tells you if the number was lower or higher than the last number that you guessed, and the start over button lets you start over whenever you click it. All buttons are disabled upon running out of guesses.

Currency Converter

This is a currency converter that includes USD, Pound, Euro, Rupee, and Yen. It was made using pyqt5.

Blog: Internet of Things

Here is my blog on Internet of Things-How IOT works on present real time projects. Importance of IOT and also how IOT helpful for professional works and also I share some advantages and disadvantages of IOT.
  • Test Announcement from Nexclap

    Test message from nexclap - please ignore


  • Test message

    Test message from nexclap - please ignore


  • Test message

    Test message from nexclap - please ignore


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