
Aarush's House (Black and White)

This is my 3rd project and my first project using the turtle software in python.

from turtle import * screen = Screen() screen.setup (800,800) penup () goto (-300,-300) pendown () for x in range (4): forward (300) left (90) penup () goto (0,0) pendown () goto (-150, 100) goto (-300, 0) penup () goto (-120,-300) pendown () left (90) forward (100) left (90) goto (-180,-200) left (90) goto (-180, -300) penup () goto (-140, -250) pendown () for x in range (360): forward (1/10) left (1) penup () goto (-75, -50) pendown () for x in range (4): forward (45) left (90) penup () goto (-225, -50) pendown () for x in range (4): forward (45) right (90) penup () goto (-247.5,-50) pendown () goto (-247.5,-95) penup () goto (-270,-72.5) pendown () left (90) forward (45) penup () forward (150) pendown () goto (-75,-72.5) goto (-30,-72.5) penup () goto (-52.5, -50) pendown () goto (-52.5, -95) pendown ()

Square Root Machine

#input number=int(input("Find the square root machine:")) #logic def squareroot(n): x=0 while x != number: if x*x==number: print(x) x=x+1 print(squareroot(number))

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