
Update For Code On Web Scraper

I accidentally forgot to include a filter for prices, here's the updated code.

""" Copyright Adam Blumenfeld All rights reserved """ # These are the variable you have to set Email = "" Password = "examplepassword" # Imports import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import smtplib import time import datetime import keyboard as k import sys wait = True def wait_false(): global wait wait = False k.add_hotkey("ctrl+g", lambda: wait_false()) # URLS you want to check URLS = ["", "", "", ""] # Time you want to space out already made emails (If you want to never relese emails on an item again, set it to float('inf')) cooldown_time = 7200 headers = { "User-Agent": 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4044.113 Safari/537.36'} def check(URL, maillist): page = requests.get(URL, headers=headers) soup1 = BeautifulSoup(page.content, 'html.parser') soup = BeautifulSoup(soup1.prettify(), "html.parser") title = soup.find(id="productTitle").get_text().strip().split(',')[0] available = soup.find(id="availability") price = soup.find(id="priceblock_ourprice") if price != None: print("Product is available") send_mail(title, URL, maillist) return True if available == None: print("Product is available") send_mail(title, URL) return True available = available.findChild('span').get_text().strip()[0:15] if available == "Temporarily out": print("Product is available") send_mail(title, URL, maillist) return True print("Product isn't available") return False def send_mail(title, link, maillist): global email global password server = smtplib.SMTP('', 587) server.ehlo() server.starttls() server.ehlo() server.login(email, password) subject = f'"{title}" is available!' body = f'Check the Amazon link to see availablility: {link}' msg = f"Subject: {subject}\n\n{body}" server.sendmail( email, maillist, msg ) print('Email Has Been Sent!') server.quit() wait = True cooldown = {} # The time you want between checks time_between_checks = 120 while True: print("Press CTRL+g to fast forward check") i = 0 while i < time_between_checks and wait: time.sleep(1) print("Time since last check:", i, "\\", time_between_checks, end="\r") i += 1 wait = True print("\n") for URL in URLS: time_ = print(f"Checking... <{time_}> <{URL}>\n") if cooldown.get(URL) != None: if time.time() - cooldown[URL] >= cooldown_time: del cooldown[URL] else: print(f"Cooldown time for URL <{URL}>: {cooldown_time-int((time.time() - cooldown[URL]) % 60)} seconds") continue availability = check(URL, sys.argv) if availability: cooldown[URL] = time.time() print("\n\n")

DNA to RNA Converter

This is a java script based DNA converter which converts the DNA to RNA to amino acids to proteins

The Pong Game

This is a game of pong made in Scratch

Myles Brooks Jun 26

This comment comes from Auntie Effie in Louisiana. I'm so impressed with this ping pong illustration. At my age, I don't have a clue how you did this but I'm proud of your expertise at such a young age. Keep using your God-given intellect!

Elijah Jun 27

hey myles bye

Elijah Jun 27

nice work

Elijah Jun 27

the pong game?

Elijah Jun 27

the pong game?

Myles Brooks Jun 28

good gob. myles U go.

Myles Brooks Jun 28

uncle Maurice U go with your self.

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