
Application Focus

The posts I have seen have been great and many of them are focused on algorithms - correlation between stocks, decision trees, k nearest neighbors. I wanted to start a thread regarding where your work can be applied to. When I think of the k nearest neighbors algorithm, I think of pattern recognition. Using data to predict how often you make large purchases, how weather conditions will affect the extent of your allergies, etc. As you progress to more complex algorithms like SVM and K Means Clustering, let us know what cases you see these algorithms being used.

"Brain Tumor Detection using Morphological Preprocessing and Deep CNN CLASSIFICATION on MRI Data Set”

Description: •Brain Tumor Detection To Assist Neurologist for Better Diagnosis. •Develop a CNN Model to detect Brain Tumor With Accuracy 99.02%. OUTCOME: Experiment on Detection of Brain Tumor using CNN classification I got 99.02% Accuracy. ROLE: Team Leader TOOLS: Python in Colab

Guessing game

A guessing game in which you have to guess a number from 1-100
#password system cause why not btw the password is Password Password="Password" Repeat=input("Enter Password:") while Repeat!=Password: Repeat=input("Incorrect:") print("Correct") #guessing game number = 65 Guess=int(input("Enter a number from one to one hundred")) #logic while number != Guess: if number > Guess: print("Go higher") if number < Guess: print("Go lower") Guess=int(input("Enter a number from 1-100(You got it wrong)")) print("Correct")
A Nov 22

I think this program needs some more improvements because the only number to guess is 65

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