
Java 1a DNA to RNA and amino acids

package javaClass; import java.util.Scanner; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.util.ArrayList; public class javaClass { private static Scanner input = new Scanner(; public static void main(String [] args) { String DNA = ""; String RNA = ""; String aminoChain = ""; print("Enter a number length of a DNA sequence."); int sequenceLength = input.nextInt(); for (int n = 0; n < sequenceLength; n = n + 1) { int random = (int)(Math.random()*(4-1+1)+1); if (random == 1) { DNA = DNA + "A"; } else if (random == 2) { DNA = DNA + "T"; } else if (random == 3) { DNA = DNA + "G"; } else if (random == 4) { DNA = DNA + "C"; } } RNA = DNA.replace("A", "1"); RNA = RNA.replace("T", "2"); RNA = RNA.replace("C", "3"); RNA = RNA.replace("G", "4"); RNA = RNA.replace("1", "U"); RNA = RNA.replace("2", "A"); RNA = RNA.replace("3", "G"); RNA = RNA.replace("4", "C"); print("DNA sequence generated as " + DNA); print("DNA translated to RNA as " + RNA); for (int i = 0; i < Math.floor(sequenceLength / 3); i++) { if(RNA.substring(i * 3, i * 3 + 3).equals("UUU") || RNA.substring(i * 3, i * 3 + 3).equals("UUC")) { aminoChain = aminoChain + "phenylalanine"; } else if(RNA.substring(i * 3, i * 3 + 3).equals("UUA") || RNA.substring(i * 3, i * 3 + 3).equals("UUG") || RNA.substring(i * 3, i * 3 + 2).equals("CU")) { aminoChain = aminoChain + "leucine"; } else if(RNA.substring(i * 3, i * 3 + 3).equals("AGU") || RNA.substring(i * 3, i * 3 + 3).equals("AGC") || RNA.substring(i * 3, i * 3 + 2).equals("UC")) { aminoChain = aminoChain + "serine"; } else if(RNA.substring(i * 3, i * 3 + 3).equals("UAU") || RNA.substring(i * 3, i * 3 + 3).equals("UAC")) { aminoChain = aminoChain + "tyrosine"; } else if(RNA.substring(i * 3, i * 3 + 3).equals("UGU") || RNA.substring(i * 3, i * 3 + 3).equals("UGC")) { aminoChain = aminoChain + "cysteine"; } else if(RNA.substring(i * 3, i * 3 + 2).equals("CC")) { aminoChain = aminoChain + "proline"; } else if(RNA.substring(i * 3, i * 3 + 3).equals("CAU") || RNA.substring(i * 3, i * 3 + 3).equals("CAC")) { aminoChain = aminoChain + "histidine"; } else if(RNA.substring(i * 3, i * 3 + 3).equals("CAA") || RNA.substring(i * 3, i * 3 + 3).equals("CAG")) { aminoChain = aminoChain + "glutamine"; } else if(RNA.substring(i * 3, i * 3 + 3).equals("AGG") || RNA.substring(i * 3, i * 3 + 3).equals("AGA") || RNA.substring(i * 3, i * 3 + 2).equals("CG")) { aminoChain = aminoChain + "arginine"; } else if(RNA.substring(i * 3, i * 3 + 3).equals("AUU") || RNA.substring(i * 3, i * 3 + 3).equals("AUC") || RNA.substring(i * 3, i * 3 + 3).equals("AUA")) { aminoChain = aminoChain + "isoleucine"; } else if(RNA.substring(i * 3, i * 3 + 2).equals("AC")) { aminoChain = aminoChain + "threonine"; } else if(RNA.substring(i * 3, i * 3 + 3).equals("AAU") || RNA.substring(i * 3, i * 3 + 3).equals("AAC")) { aminoChain = aminoChain + "asparagine"; } else if(RNA.substring(i * 3, i * 3 + 3).equals("AAA") || RNA.substring(i * 3, i * 3 + 3).equals("AAG")) { aminoChain = aminoChain + "lysine"; } else if(RNA.substring(i * 3, i * 3 + 2).equals("GU")) { aminoChain = aminoChain + "valine"; } else if(RNA.substring(i * 3, i * 3 + 2).equals("GC")) { aminoChain = aminoChain + "alanine"; } else if(RNA.substring(i * 3, i * 3 + 3).equals("GAU") || RNA.substring(i * 3, i * 3 + 3).equals("GAC")) { aminoChain = aminoChain + "asparatic acid"; } else if(RNA.substring(i * 3, i * 3 + 3).equals("GAA") || RNA.substring(i * 3, i * 3 + 3).equals("GAG")) { aminoChain = aminoChain + "glutimic acid"; } else if(RNA.substring(i * 3, i * 3 + 2).equals("GG")) { aminoChain = aminoChain + "glycine"; } else if(RNA.substring(i * 3, i * 3 + 3).equals("AUG")) { aminoChain = aminoChain + "methionine"; } else if(RNA.substring(i * 3, i * 3 + 3).equals("UAA") || RNA.substring(i * 3, i * 3 + 3).equals("UAG") || RNA.substring(i * 3, i * 3 + 3).equals("UGA")) { aminoChain = aminoChain + "stop"; } if(i + 1 < Math.floor(sequenceLength / 3)) { aminoChain = aminoChain + ", "; if(!(i + 2 < Math.floor(sequenceLength / 3))) { aminoChain = aminoChain + "and "; } } else { aminoChain = aminoChain + "."; } } print("The chain of amino acids made were " + aminoChain); print("Any extra characters were excluded."); } public static void print(String print) { System.out.println(print); } }

Generative AI project -Chat bot

🚀 Excited to share my new Generative AI project! 🤖✨ I've built this mesmerizing project using various AI tools: 1. Google Colab: A cloud-based platform for running Python code with free access to GPUs and TPUs. 2. OpenAI: Leading AI research organization, known for advanced natural language processing models like GPT-3. 3. Langchain: A tool or platform aiding in natural language processing and understanding tasks. 4. Gradio: Easy-to-use library for creating interactive UI components for machine learning models. 5. HuggingFace: A popular platform offering pre-trained language models and NLP libraries.

Java Graphing Calculator (Not Capable of EVERYTHING)

Contains two files- MathEvaluator (made by Gregory Duran) and Graphing that work together to graph functions/do math. I can't attach both so here is the part I made.

import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.ItemEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ItemListener; import java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.awt.*; import java.util.regex.*; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.RoundingMode; public class Graphing { public static void main(String[] args) { //creates JFrame containing all the components guiFrame bkgrd = new guiFrame(); //default close function bkgrd.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); //set JFrame to visible bkgrd.setVisible(true); } } //extends JFrame (window function) class guiFrame extends JFrame{ //JComponents declared in class so we can access them all thoughout private static JPanel promptBox; private static JPanel equationPrompt; private static JPanel key; private static JPanel extraInfo; private static JPanel extraPoints; private static JPanel ftcPanel; private static JTextField input; private static JButton enterBT; private static JLabel legend; //all of the checkboxes to toggle graphs private static JCheckBox original; private static JCheckBox der_1; private static JCheckBox der_2; private static JCheckBox ftc; private static JCheckBox integrate; //scaling private static JPanel scaleBox; private static JLabel scalePrompt; private static JTextField scale; private static int xScale; private static int yScale; private static int xOrigin; private static int yOrigin; private static int yMax; private static int xMax; //min/max/inflections private static JPanel min; private static JPanel max; private static JPanel inflection; private static JPanel inflection2; private static ArrayList<Double> min_x; private static ArrayList<Double> min_y; private static ArrayList<Double> max_x; private static ArrayList<Double> max_y; private static ArrayList<Double> inf_x; private static ArrayList<Double> inf_y; //hole private static ArrayList<Double> hole_x; private static ArrayList<Double> hole_y; //integration variables private static JTextField lowerBound; private static JTextField upperBound; //tells us where integral is shown private static JLabel integral; //displays integral private static JLabel defIntegralString; //integral value private static Double defIntegral; private static int a_val; private static int b_val; //graphing necessities: x/y value array + discontinuities (derivatives are only y values bc x values are always the same) private static double[] x; private static Double[] y; private static Double[] derivative_1; private static Double[] derivative_2; private static String[] discontinuities; private static String[] der_1_dc; private static String[] der_2_dc; //assumes that a discontinuity is simply out of range until a hole/asymptote is found private static boolean outOfDomain = true; //nice colors private static Color marineBlue = new Color(35,156,196); private static Color grassGreen = new Color(20,135,68); private static Color darkPurple = new Color(124,13,130); private static Color lightPink = new Color(252,151,252); private static Color brown = new Color(84,60,67); //class constructor that inherits from JFrame and in effect creates a JFrame upon construction public guiFrame() { //sets title of window to "Graphing Calculator" and size initiation; reminds users to put fractions in parentheses cause finding discontinuities/MathEvaluator requires it super("Graphing Calculator: ***PUT FRACTIONS IN PARENTHESES!***"); //set size pixels setSize(1080,1080); //handler class used to manage button interactions (defined below) HandlerClass handler = new HandlerClass(); //create new panel and textfield for equation promptBox = new JPanel(); promptBox.setLayout(new BoxLayout(promptBox, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); //prompts equation and gets input equationPrompt = new JPanel(); input = new JTextField(50); //creates scaling panel and adds input field and text scaleBox = new JPanel(); scalePrompt = new JLabel("Enter a positive integer to scale the graph by: "); //content used to scale graph scale = new JTextField(10); scaleBox.add(scalePrompt); scaleBox.add(scale); //create button enterBT = new JButton("Go!"); //action listener looks for the pressing of the button using handler class object enterBT.addActionListener(handler); //create text for prompt & add all components equationPrompt.add(new JLabel("Enter equation here:")); //add components equationPrompt.add(input); scaleBox.add(enterBT, Component.RIGHT_ALIGNMENT); //add panels promptBox.add(equationPrompt); promptBox.add(scaleBox); //a panel that will be used to hold legend, min, max, & inflection panels extraInfo = new JPanel(); extraInfo.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300,1000)); //holds the legend and all checkboxes (used to repaint graph) key = new JPanel(); //makes all components inside that are added go underneath the previous component key.setLayout(new BoxLayout(key, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); //legend tells user which colors are which legend = new JLabel("<html>KEY:</font><br/><font color=rgb(35,156,196)>Original Function\tBLUE</font><br/><font color=rgb(20,135,68)>First Derivative\tGREEN</font><br/><font color=rgb(124,13,130)>Second Derivative\tMAGENTA</font><br/><font color=rgb(252,151,252)>Min/Max\tLIGHT PINK</font><br/><font color=rgb(84,60,67)>Inflection Pts\tBROWN</font></html>"); //creates checkboxes that will be added to the key panel original = new JCheckBox("See Original Function"); der_1 = new JCheckBox("See First Derivative"); der_2 = new JCheckBox("See Second Derivative"); ftc = new JCheckBox("<html>See FTC on f'(x) </br>[Enter value for a and b!]</html>"); integrate = new JCheckBox("Integrate with Trapezoid Rule"); //BoxHandler class is used to look for when the boxes are checked or not and do something if they are/aren't BoxHandler check = new BoxHandler(); //add ItemListener (check for selection) class to each checkbox original.addItemListener(check); der_1.addItemListener(check); der_2.addItemListener(check); ftc.addItemListener(check); integrate.addItemListener(check); //creates text fields for user input on 'a' and 'b' for integration upperBound = new JTextField(10); lowerBound = new JTextField(10); //add legend and all checkboxes to the key panel key.add(legend); key.add(original); key.add(der_1); key.add(der_2); key.add(ftc); key.add(integrate); //new Panel that will hold all of the integration stuff (a, b, and the value of the integral) ftcPanel = new JPanel(); //vertical layout ftcPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(ftcPanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); //define JLabel variable that will tell user the integral value is: integral = new JLabel("<html><body>The integral of f'(x)<br> from a to b is:</body></html>"); //JLabel that will showcase the String version of the definite Integral (it's on its own bc I can change it using setText()) defIntegralString = new JLabel(""); //make the text red to stand out defIntegralString.setForeground(Color.RED); //add new a and b labels along with their textfields ftcPanel.add(new JLabel("a")); ftcPanel.add(lowerBound); ftcPanel.add(new JLabel("b")); ftcPanel.add(upperBound); //add integral & definite integral string ftcPanel.add(integral); ftcPanel.add(defIntegralString); //new JPanel that will hold min, max, and inflection points extraPoints = new JPanel(); //set the layout to be a grid with 2 rows and 2 column with no space in between extraPoints.setLayout(new GridLayout(2,2,0,0)); //**all point panels have a vertical layout** //Panel to hold all minimum values min = new JPanel(); min.setLayout(new BoxLayout(min, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); //Panel to hold all maximum values max = new JPanel(); max.setLayout(new BoxLayout(max, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); //two panels to hold all inflection points because sin/cos have a lot of inflection points... inflection = new JPanel(); inflection.setLayout(new BoxLayout(inflection, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); inflection2 = new JPanel(); inflection2.setLayout(new BoxLayout(inflection2, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); //add all four panels to extraPoints panel (in the order they are added is how they are formatted) extraPoints.add(min); extraPoints.add(max); extraPoints.add(inflection); extraPoints.add(inflection2); extraPoints.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300,600)); //this makes all of the components inside of the extraInfo panel (The panel that has ALL OTHER PANELS) align to the left extraInfo.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT)); //add all three panels in the order it should be seen extraInfo.add(key); extraInfo.add(ftcPanel); extraInfo.add(extraPoints); //add prompt panel and extra information panels onto jframe window using layout below add(promptBox, BorderLayout.NORTH); add(extraInfo, BorderLayout.EAST); } //Handler class to watch for checkbox interaction private class BoxHandler implements ItemListener{ //override method in class called itemStateChanged (when state changed do this...) public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent event) { //if FTC checkbox is selected && the 'a' and 'b' textfields are NOT empty if(ftc.isSelected() && !lowerBound.getText().equals("") && !upperBound.getText().equals("")) { //try parsing the input of the boxes to double values try{ double a = Double.parseDouble(lowerBound.getText()); double b = Double.parseDouble(upperBound.getText()); //if the values parse, check to see if they are within the bounds of the graph if(a <= getScale() && a >= -getScale() && b <= getScale() && b >= -getScale() ) { //call the FTC function defined later funTheoryCalc(a,b); //convert the defIntegral double value found in the function to a BigDecimal object so that we can format it BigDecimal defIntegralRound = new BigDecimal(defIntegral); //rounds the value to 5 decimals defIntegralRound = defIntegralRound.setScale(5, RoundingMode.HALF_UP); //change the defIntegralString JLabel that's on the ftcPanel to the newly calculated value defIntegralString.setText(defIntegralRound.toString()); } } //catch the error w/ random error because i'm too lazy to find the right error catch(NumberFormatException e){ System.out.println("Error: input values for a and b"); } } //if integrateByTrapezoid checkbox is selected && the 'a' and 'b' textfields are NOT empty if(integrate.isSelected()&& !lowerBound.getText().equals("") && !upperBound.getText().equals("")) { //try to parse & same as the FTC checkbox try{ double a = Double.parseDouble(lowerBound.getText()); double b = Double.parseDouble(upperBound.getText()); if(a <= getScale() && a >= -getScale() && b <= getScale() && b >= -getScale() ) { //defined below trap(a,b); BigDecimal defIntegralRound = new BigDecimal(defIntegral); defIntegralRound = defIntegralRound.setScale(5, RoundingMode.HALF_UP); defIntegralString.setText(defIntegralRound.toString()); } } catch(NumberFormatException e){ System.out.println("Error: input values for a and b"); } } //if FTC button & integrateByTrapezoid is NOT selected if(!ftc.isSelected() && !integrate.isSelected()) { //set the defIntegralString to an empty string defIntegralString.setText(""); } //repaints the graph using paintComponent defined later revalidate(); repaint(); } } //HandlerClass to manage BUTTON interaction private class HandlerClass implements ActionListener{ //override the parent functions actionPerformed method to specify our own commands @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { //if no scale input, stop function if(scale.getText().equals("")) { return; } //calculates and stores values of x & y to double arrays (defined below) findPoints(); //calculate derivative values using method defined below derive(y,derivative_1,der_1_dc); derive(derivative_1,derivative_2,der_2_dc); //clear the panels at every press of the button so that the window is clean min.removeAll(); max.removeAll(); inflection.removeAll(); inflection2.removeAll(); //set all boxes except showOriginalFunction checkbox to unchecked integrate.setSelected(false); der_1.setSelected(false); der_2.setSelected(false); ftc.setSelected(false); //redefine min & max arrays at every press of the button b/c different equations are being put in min_x = new ArrayList<Double>(); min_y = new ArrayList<Double>(); max_x = new ArrayList<Double>(); max_y = new ArrayList<Double>(); //checkExtrema function defined below checkExtrema(min_x,min_y,max_x,max_y,derivative_1); //add to the min panel: Title formatted by inline html tags min.add(new JLabel("<html><font color= 'orange'>Minimum values:</font><br/></html>")); //for i=0 to i<min_x arraylist size for(int i = 0; i < min_x.size(); i++) { //if the y values are NOT infinite and NOT not a number if(!min_y.get(i).isInfinite() && !min_y.get(i).isNaN()) { //format the x & y values held within the two x & y arraylists (found from checkExtrema function) BigDecimal x_val = new BigDecimal(min_x.get(i)); x_val = x_val.setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP); BigDecimal y_val = new BigDecimal(min_y.get(i)); y_val = y_val.setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP); //add the newly formatted minimum values in ( x, y ) form to the minimum panel min.add(new JLabel("( " + x_val + ", " + y_val + " )")); } } //same with minimum panel except maximum max.add(new JLabel("<html><font color= 'orange'>Maximum values:</font><br/></html>")); for(int i = 0; i < max_x.size(); i++) { if(!max_y.get(i).isInfinite() && !max_y.get(i).isNaN()) { BigDecimal x_val = new BigDecimal(max_x.get(i)); x_val = x_val.setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP); BigDecimal y_val = new BigDecimal(max_y.get(i)); y_val = y_val.setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP); max.add(new JLabel("( " + x_val + ", " + y_val + " )")); } } //define inflection x & y arraylists inf_x = new ArrayList<Double>(); inf_y = new ArrayList<Double>(); //find inflection points using function defined below findInflections(inf_x, inf_y, derivative_2); //add titles of both inflection panels inflection.add(new JLabel("<html><font color= 'orange'>Inflection Points:</font></html>")); inflection2.add(new JLabel("<html><font color= 'orange'>****************</font></html>")); //for the length of the x arraylist for(int i = 0; i < inf_x.size(); i++) { //format x & y values BigDecimal x_val = new BigDecimal(inf_x.get(i)); x_val = x_val.setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP); BigDecimal y_val = new BigDecimal(inf_y.get(i)); y_val = y_val.setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP); //if there are less than 18 inflections points, add them to first inflection panel if(i < 18) { inflection.add(new JLabel("( " + x_val + ", " + y_val + " )")); } //otherwise add them to the second inflection panel else { inflection2.add(new JLabel("( " + x_val + ", " + y_val + " )")); } } //set the "See Original Function" checkbox to checked original.setSelected(true); //creates a GraphPanel object that holds the paintComponent that will be used to draw the graph GraphPanel graph = new GraphPanel(); //add it to THIS object and put it west of all other objects add(graph, BorderLayout.WEST); //everytime the button is clicked, if layout changes, repaint revalidate(); repaint(); } } //unnecessary getEquation function that returns the input textfield's text content public static String getEquation() { return input.getText(); } public static Integer getScale() { try { return Integer.parseInt(scale.getText()); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { return null; } } //function to find the y values of the function inputed public static void findPoints() { //defines how the graph is scaled //distance between x ticks xScale = 700/(getScale()*2); //distance between y ticks yScale = 800/((getScale() + 3)*2); //multiply distance by how many ticks to get x origin xOrigin = getScale() * xScale; //same as x except you need to add 100 because graph starts at 100 yOrigin = 100+(getScale() + 3) * yScale; //maximum x pixel is 700 - leftover pixels after dividing by ticks xMax = 700-(700%(getScale()*2)); //same with y except graph ends at 900 yMax = 900-(800%((getScale() + 3)*2)); //sets array length to xOrigin * 2 because that's how long the graph is x = new double[xOrigin * 2]; y = new Double[x.length]; //will carry information about discontinuities discontinuities = new String[x.length]; //uses the java parser provided by mr duran to evaluate values for equation getEquation() MathEvaluator m = new MathEvaluator(getEquation()); //at every value of .1 between 0 and xMax, find for(int i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { //checks for y values to the THOUSANDTHS place double[] xPoint = new double[(int)((1.0/xScale)*1000+1)]; Double[] yPoint = new Double[xPoint.length]; //sets value to -bound + i/xScale x[i] = -xOrigin/(double)xScale + i/(double)xScale; //for 0 to value between each pixel for(int j = 0; j < (1.0/xScale)*1000; j++) { //xPoint = -boundary + i/xScale (adds 1/xScale every time) - remainder when dividing this sum by 0.005 for solid multiple of 5 + 1/1000 every time xPoint[j] = -xOrigin/(double)xScale + i/(double)xScale - (-xOrigin/(double)xScale + i/(double)xScale)%0.005 + j/1000.0; //add variable function of the mathevaluator at point xPoint[i] just found m.addVariable("x", xPoint[j]); //get the value of the function yPoint[j] = m.getValue(); //if y value is not infinity, null, or NaN if( yPoint[j] != null&& !Double.isInfinite(yPoint[j]) && !Double.isNaN(yPoint[j])) { discontinuities[i] = "none"; } //otherwise there is a discontinuity else{ //create double variables numerator & denominator for fractions double numerator; double denominator; //create regex pattern for separating fractions into numerator and denominator (REQUIRES PARENTHESES AROUND ENTIRE FRACTION) Pattern checkRegex = Pattern.compile("\\(([()0-9x\\s+\\-*\\^\\.]+)/([()0-9x\\s+\\-*\\^\\.]+)\\)"); //create matcher that checks whether the equation matches the regex pattern Matcher regexMatcher = checkRegex.matcher(getEquation()); //assume that the discontinuity is simply that x is out of the domain until proven otherwise outOfDomain = true; //while there is a match while(regexMatcher.find()) { //if the first two groups found in the matcher are not null (groups defined in the regex pattern) if( != null && != null) { //create new parser for numerator expression & find value MathEvaluator num = new MathEvaluator(; num.addVariable("x", xPoint[j]); numerator = num.getValue(); //create new parse for denominator expression & find value MathEvaluator den = new MathEvaluator(; den.addVariable("x", xPoint[j]); denominator = den.getValue(); //if the numerator and denominator are both equal to 0, discontinuity = hole if(numerator == denominator && numerator == 0) { discontinuities[i] = "hole"; //for later when we need to position hole y[i] = (double)Math.round(y[i-1]); System.out.println("Hole: " + x[i] + ", " + y[i]); //makes sure discontinuities count when out of domain as well outOfDomain = false; //break out of while loop break; } //else if only the denominator is 0, the discontinuity is a v. asymptote else if(denominator == 0) { discontinuities[i] = "vertical asymptote"; //makes sure discontinuities count when out of domain as well outOfDomain = false; break; } } } //out of domain if(outOfDomain) { discontinuities[i] = "out of domain"; } //if none of the values to the thousandths place between this x[i] value and the next are discontinuities, break out of 1000 for loop if(!discontinuities[i].equals("none")) { break; } } } //if no discontinuity, set y[i] = the value at x[i] if(discontinuities[i].equals("none")) { m.addVariable("x", x[i]); y[i] = m.getValue(); } } //define derivative arrays derivative_1 = new Double[x.length]; derivative_2 = new Double[x.length]; der_1_dc = new String[x.length]; der_2_dc = new String[x.length]; } //derive using original y-value function, to be derived y-values, and a discontinuity array that will be used when we graph public static void derive(Double []original, Double[] toBeDerived, String[] discontinuity) { //for the length of 1 max for(int i = 1; i < original.length-2; i++) { //if the original function is NOT null, infinity, or not a number if(original[i-1] != null && original[i+1]!= null && original[i] != null && !Double.isInfinite(original[i]) && !Double.isNaN(original[i])) { //derivative = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1) by limit definition toBeDerived[i] = (original[i+1]-original[i-1]) / (x[i+1]-x[i-1]); //no discontinuity at this point discontinuity[i] = "none"; } //otherwise else { //there is a discontinuity discontinuity[i] = "null"; } } //just set the ending values to the values before it since we can't really calculate slope when they don't have slope discontinuity[0] = "none"; toBeDerived[0] = toBeDerived[1]; discontinuity[original.length-1] = "none"; toBeDerived[original.length-1] = toBeDerived[original.length-2]; } //function to calculate the area of the trapezoid between integer a and b public static double trapArea(int a, int b) { return 0.5 * (derivative_1[a] + derivative_1[b]); } //trap function to calculate TOTAL value of definite integral approximation public static void trap(double a, double b) { //set defIntegral back to 0.0 defIntegral = 0.0; //multiply the value by xScale defined later + xOrigin (the center of the graph) a_val = (int)Math.round(a*xScale) + xOrigin; b_val = (int)Math.round(b*xScale) + xOrigin; //if b > a if(b_val > a_val) { //for the pixels between a and b in increments of xScale for(int i = a_val; i < b_val; i+=xScale) { //if the max value - the current i value > xScale (meaning that you can increment by 1) if(b_val - i >= xScale) { //defIntegral = defIntegral + calculate trapezoidArea between i & i +xScale defIntegral += trapArea(i, i+xScale); //if max value - current i value < xScale, defIntegral = defIntegral + trapArea(current value to maximum value) }else { defIntegral += trapArea(i, b_val); } } } //if a > b do the same except start from the b value instead if(a_val > b_val) { for(int i = b_val; i < a_val; i+=xScale) { if(a_val - i > xScale) { defIntegral += trapArea(i, i+xScale); }else { defIntegral += trapArea(i, a_val); } } //multiply by -1 to signify the backwards evaluation of integral defIntegral *= -1; } } //fun(damental) Theory (of) Calc(ulus) takes in upper and lower bounds public static void funTheoryCalc(double a, double b) { //scale the a & b values to fit the graph a_val = (int)Math.round(a*xScale) + xOrigin; b_val = (int)Math.round(b*xScale) + xOrigin; //defIntegral = max - min; MathEvaluator m = new MathEvaluator(getEquation()); m.addVariable("x", a); double A = m.getValue(); m.addVariable("x", b); double B = m.getValue(); if(!Double.isInfinite(A) && !Double.isInfinite(B) && !Double.isNaN(A) && !Double.isNaN(B)) { defIntegral = B - A; }else { defIntegral = null; } } //find inflection points using variables sent in but it could actually just directly access the variables because they are global public static void findInflections( ArrayList<Double> infx, ArrayList<Double> infy, Double[] scnd_der) { //for the length of 1 to graph max - 1 for(int i = 1; i < scnd_der.length-1; i++) { //if second derivative at pixel i is NOT null, infinity, not a number && absVal(2nd_der@i) < 0.4 for rounding error && the signs of the first derivative before and after i are not the same if(scnd_der[i-1] != null && scnd_der[i+1] != null && scnd_der[i] != null && !Double.isInfinite(scnd_der[i]) && !Double.isNaN(scnd_der[i]) && (Math.abs(scnd_der[i]) < 0.08 && ((scnd_der[i-1] < 0 && scnd_der[i+1] > 0) || (scnd_der[i-1] > 0 && scnd_der[i+1] < 0)))){ //add x & y values to inflection arraylists infx.add(x[i]); infy.add(y[i]); } } } //checkExtrema with variables sent in that again don't need to be sent in public static void checkExtrema(ArrayList<Double> minX,ArrayList<Double> minY, ArrayList<Double> maxX,ArrayList<Double> maxY, Double[] values) { //for the pixels between 1 and xMax for(int i = 1; i < values.length-1;i++) { //if the derivative of original function is NOT null, infinity, or not a number && the absVal(derivative @ i) < 0.108 to account for rounding error/subtraction estimate if(values[i-1]!=null && values[i+1] != null && values[i] != null && !Double.isInfinite(values[i]) && !Double.isNaN(values[i]) && ( Math.abs(values[i]) < 0.15)) { //if derivative before i < 0 && derivative after i > 0 if(values[i-1] < 0 && values[i+1] > 0) { //add minimum minX.add(x[i]); minY.add(y[i]); } //if derivative before i > 0 && derivative after i < 0 if(values[i-1] > 0 && values[i+1] < 0) { //add maximum maxX.add(x[i]); maxY.add(y[i]); } } } } //graphpanel class that extends jpanel and contains paintcomponent public class GraphPanel extends JPanel{ //classwide integer output (what the y pixel will be on the graph) private int output; //boolean outOfRange to check whether the y value is out of the range of the graph (default false) private boolean outOfRange = false; //constructor to set the size of the graph panel public GraphPanel() { this.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(701,801)); } //override the paintcomponent method to do what we want @Override protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) { //convert graphics to graphics2D (for line drawing) Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g; //set color red g2.setColor(Color.RED); //if FTC checkbox is selected if(ftc.isSelected()) { //check derivative 1 (bc we use derivative 1 to show FTC) & deselect integrateByTrapezoid box der_1.setSelected(true); integrate.setSelected(false); //if a value < b value if(a_val < b_val) { //draw a line from x-axis to y-value as long as the value is not out of range for(int i = a_val; i <= b_val; i++) { scaleY(derivative_1[i]); if(!outOfRange) { g2.drawLine(i, scaleY(derivative_1[i]), i, yOrigin); } } } //if b < a, do the same except start from b if(b_val < a_val) { for(int i = b_val; i <= a_val; i++) { scaleY(derivative_1[i]); if(!outOfRange) { g2.drawLine(i, scaleY(derivative_1[i]), i, yOrigin); } } } } //if integrateByTrapezoid is checked if(integrate.isSelected()) { //check derivative 1 & deselect FTC der_1.setSelected(true); ftc.setSelected(false); //if a < b if(a_val < b_val) { //for the pixels in between, increment by 10 for(int i = a_val; i <= b_val; i+=xScale) { //check whether derivative at i is out of range scaleY(derivative_1[i]); if(!outOfRange) { //if distance between max an i is greater than 10 if(b_val - i > xScale) { //check if value at i+10 is outofrange (defined below) scaleY(derivative_1[i+xScale]); //if not outOfRange if(!outOfRange) { //new array for trapezoid points int[] trapX = {i,i, i+xScale,i+xScale,i}; int[] trapY = {yOrigin,scaleY(derivative_1[i]),scaleY(derivative_1[i+10]),yOrigin,yOrigin}; //create polygon using these arrays & specify number of points Polygon trapezoid = new Polygon(trapX, trapY, 5); //fill trapezoid g2.fillPolygon(trapezoid); } } //otherwise b-i < xScale else{ //scaleY contains a check out of range function scaleY(derivative_1[b_val]); //if not out of range if(!outOfRange) { //draw trapezoid int[] trapX = {i,i, b_val,b_val,i}; int[] trapY = {yOrigin,scaleY(derivative_1[i]),scaleY(derivative_1[b_val]),yOrigin,yOrigin}; Polygon trapezoid = new Polygon(trapX, trapY, 5); g2.fillPolygon(trapezoid); } } } } } } //for when b < a and does the same thing as a > b (i could create a function for this but i'm too lazy if(b_val < a_val) { for(int i = b_val; i <= a_val; i+=xScale) { //check whether derivative at i is out of range scaleY(derivative_1[i]); if(!outOfRange) { //if distance between max and i is greater than xScale if(a_val - i > xScale) { //check if value at i+xScale is outOfRange (defined below) scaleY(derivative_1[i+xScale]); //if not outOfRange if(!outOfRange) { //new array for trapezoid points int[] trapX = {i,i, i+xScale,i+xScale,i}; int[] trapY = {yOrigin,scaleY(derivative_1[i]),scaleY(derivative_1[i+xScale]),yOrigin,yOrigin}; //create polygon using these arrays & specify number of points Polygon trapezoid = new Polygon(trapX, trapY, 5); //fill trapezoid g2.fillPolygon(trapezoid); } } //otherwise b-i < xScale else{ //scaleY contains a check out of range function scaleY(derivative_1[a_val]); //if not out of range if(!outOfRange) { //draw trapezoid int[] trapX = {i,i, a_val,a_val,i}; int[] trapY = {yOrigin,scaleY(derivative_1[i]),scaleY(derivative_1[a_val]),yOrigin,yOrigin}; Polygon trapezoid = new Polygon(trapX, trapY, 5); g2.fillPolygon(trapezoid); } } } } } //set color of paint to black g2.setColor(Color.BLACK); //this block draws the constant x and y axis of the graph (every tick is 1) if(getScale() != null) { g2.drawLine(0, yOrigin, xMax, yOrigin); for(int i = 0; i <= xMax; i+=xScale) { g2.drawLine(i, yOrigin - 10, i, yOrigin + 10); } g2.drawLine(xOrigin, 100, xOrigin, yMax); for(int i = 100; i<=yMax; i+=(yScale)) { g2.drawLine(xOrigin - 10, i, xOrigin + 10, i); } } //if "See original function" is checked if(original.isSelected()) { //set color to blue for graph drawing g2.setColor(marineBlue); //for every pixel in the width of the graph up to xMax-1 for outOfBound errors :( for(int i = 0; i < xMax-1; i++) { //if y value is not null, Infinite, or Not a Number if(y[i]!=null && !Double.isInfinite(y[i]) && !Double.isNaN(y[i])) { //method that checks whether the yvalue at the current x pixel is outOfRange scaleY(y[i]); } //if less than xMax-2 bc outOfBound errors && a hole is coming up if(i < xMax-2 && discontinuities[i+1].equals("hole")) { //check whether the y value at i+1 is outOfRange scaleY(y[i+1]); //if NOT outOfRange if(!outOfRange) { //set color to red g2.setColor(Color.RED); //draw an open circle and skip a few x pixels to make the graph look nice g2.drawOval(i-2, scaleY(y[i+1])-15, 15, 15); } //set color back to blue g2.setColor(marineBlue); //increment by value based on how large scale is i+=xScale/10; //continue for loop continue; } //if discontinuity at i is v. asymptote else if(discontinuities[i].equals("vertical asymptote")) { //set color to red g2.setColor(Color.RED); //dotted line across the x pixel value for(int j = 100; j< yMax; j+= yScale) { g2.drawLine(i, j, i, j+yScale-yScale/5); } //set color to blue g2.setColor(marineBlue); } //if discontinuity is out of domain, don't draw anything & skip to next pixel else if(discontinuities[i].equals("out of domain")) { continue; } //if the minimum or maximum x arraylist contains x[i] else if(min_x.contains(x[i]) || max_x.contains(x[i])) { //out of range? if(!outOfRange) { //set color to lightpink g2.setColor(lightPink); //create circle Ellipse2D.Double circle = new Ellipse2D.Double(i-3,scaleY(y[i])-4,8,8); //fill circle g2.fill(circle); //reset color to blue g2.setColor(marineBlue); } } //if inflection x array contains x[i] else if(inf_x.contains(x[i])) { //out of range? if(!outOfRange) { //color to brown g2.setColor(brown); //create circle Ellipse2D.Double circle = new Ellipse2D.Double(i-3,scaleY(y[i])-4,8,8); //fill circle g2.fill(circle); //reset color g2.setColor(marineBlue); } } //else if there is no discontinuity else if(discontinuities[i].equals("none")){ //if y value is not out of range if(!outOfRange) { //if there is a big gap (like in tan(x)), between pixel values, draw an asymptote if(y[i]!=null&&y[i+1]!=null && Math.abs(y[i]-y[i+1]) > 35) { g2.setColor(Color.RED); //dotted line across the x pixel value for(int j = 100; j< yMax; j+= yScale) { g2.drawLine(i, j, i, j+yScale - yScale/5); } //set color to blue g2.setColor(marineBlue); } //otherwise else { if(y[i]!=null && y[i+1]!=null) //draw line from x value i to i+1 g2.drawLine(i, scaleY(y[i]), i+1, scaleY(y[i+1])); } } } } } //if der_1 checkbox selected if(der_1.isSelected()) { //color = green g2.setColor(grassGreen); //for graph width for(int i = 0; i<xMax-2;i++) { //as long as derivative is a value within range if(derivative_1[i] != null && derivative_1[i+1] != null) { //out of range? scaleY(derivative_1[i]); if(!outOfRange) { //draw line g2.drawLine(i, scaleY(derivative_1[i]), i+1, scaleY(derivative_1[i+1])); } } } } //same as derivative 1 but for 2 if(der_2.isSelected()) { g2.setColor(darkPurple); for(int i = 0; i<xMax-2;i++) { if(der_2_dc[i].equals("none") && derivative_2[i] != null && derivative_2[i+1] != null) { scaleY(derivative_2[i]); if(!outOfRange) { g2.drawLine(i, scaleY(derivative_2[i]), i+1, scaleY(derivative_2[i+1])); } } } } } //checks whether y value is out of range and converts double value to //closest integer equivalent scaled to the graph //double input should be the double y value in the last part of paintComponent method private int scaleY(double input) { //multiply double value by 10 to get a scaled by 10 value of the double double doubleOutput = input*yScale; //if the doubleOutput is greater than -410 or less than 410 if(doubleOutput <= yOrigin +10 && doubleOutput >= -yOrigin - 10) { //y value is not outOfRange outOfRange = false; output = yOrigin - (int) Math.round(doubleOutput); //else out of range }else{ outOfRange = true; } //return integer output return output; } } }
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