
K Means Clustering In Infinite Dimensions (Without Sklearn)

This is K Means Clustering in infinite dimensions finally complete! K Means Clustering follows under the category of clustering (hence the name). Clustering falls under another subset of machine learning called unsupervised machine learning, which is doing machine learning on datasets without labels. I have provided a 2d dataset and a 4d dataset to test my model. Both of which worked. Sometimes you will get a Zero Division Error, if that occurs, just run the code until it works. To learn more about K Means Clustering, go to the following tutorial:

""" K Means Clustering In Infinite Dimensions By Adam Blumenfeld @nexclap/AdamBlumenfeld """ # Imports from random import randint as random from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from matplotlib import style from math import sqrt import numpy as np # Set style of graphs style.use("ggplot") # Dataset data=[(1,1), (1,2), (2,1),(2,3),(2,4),(3,3),(7,9),(7,6),(8,5),(8,9),(9,6),(9,9), (2, 8), (1, 9), (1,7), (3, 7), (4, 9)] # Multidimensional dataset _data=[(1,1, 2, 3), (1,2, 2, 4), (2,1, 2, 3),(2,3, 2, 4),(2,4, 3, 2),(3,3, 2, 1),(7,9, 8, 9),(7,6, 9, 8),(8,5, 8, 5),(8,9, 9, 6),(9,6, 6, 9),(9,9, 9, 5), (2, 8, 4, 5), (1, 9, 4, 6), (1,7, 4, 4), (3, 7, 3, 4), (4, 9, 5, 5)] # Plot dataset plt.scatter([point[0] for point in data], [point[1] for point in data]) class KMeansClustering: # Helper function def fit(self, data, k=3, ndim=2, tolerance=0.001): self.k = k = data self.ndim = ndim. self._centroids() self.cluster() self._fit(dev=self.std(), best=self.clusters) return self.clusters # Recursive function def _fit(self, dev=float('inf'), tolerance=0.001, best=None): self._centroids() self.cluster() if self.std() <= dev: if dev - self.std() <= tolerance: return best return self._fit(dev, tolerance, best) self._fit(dev, tolerance, best) # Recursive function for finding one cluster def cluster(self, m=None): self.assign() self.reassign_centroids() if self.clusters == m: return self.clusters return self.cluster(self.clusters) # Euclidean distance def euiclid(self, p1, p2): return sqrt(sum([(p2[i] - p1[i])**2 for i in range(len(p1))])) # Mean def mean(self, data): return [(sum([point[i] for point in data]) / len(data)) for i in range(self.ndim)] # Initialize first centroids: def _centroids(self): self.centroids = [[random(0, max([i]) for i in range(self.ndim)] for z in range(self.k)] # Reassign centroids def reassign_centroids(self): self.centroids = [self.mean(self.clusters[i]) for i in range(len(self.clusters))] # Assign clusters: def assign(self): self.clusters = {i: [] for i in range(len(self.centroids))} for point in distances = [self.euiclid(centroid, point) for centroid in self.centroids] for i in range(len(self.centroids)): if min(distances) == distances[i]: self.clusters[i].append(point) # Standard deviation function def std(self): return sqrt(sum([sum([self.euiclid(self.centroids[key], point) for point in cluster]) for key, cluster in self.clusters.items()])) model = KMeansClustering() # Fit on two dimensional dataset, ndim=2) # Fit on four dimensional dataset #, ndim=4)

Tanks Wars Game

This game is developed in Java. This game is about two tanks fire each other. This game is a two player game. Player one represents first tank. Player two represents second tank. Both players play from the same computer. How to play the game: Both players use same computer keyboard to control two tanks. Player One controls are: A: Rotate left D: Rotate right W: Move forward S: Move in reverse Space: Fire weapon Player Two controls are: Left Arrow: Rotate left Right Arrow: Rotate right Up Arrow: Move forward Down Arrow: Move in reverse Return: Fire weapon In this game, each tank has two opportunities of lives. The bullet is tank's weapon. Player one and Player Two should press the key "Space" and the key "Return" to control two tanks to launch bullets to fire each other. If first tank's bullets hit second tank for each time, first tank can get ten scores. If first tank defeats second tank, second tank will only remain one opportunity of life. The game will be restarted automatically. If second tank doesn't have remaining life in the game, Player one will win the game and the game will be finished. Finally, the game screen will display first tank's scores.

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Java - Two Number Calculator (add, subtract, multiply, divide)
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